About company
The Company "Mobil-S" is considered as one of the largest service companies in the oil industry of Mangistau region and was formed in….(2003) to provide transportation services, transport and logistics, including a number of other professional services for the oil producing companies. Having a vast experience in this industry, "Mobil-S" LLP has become on of the leading companies in this field and was able to declare itself as a reliable partner, which fulfills its incumbent obligations promptly and efficiently, which is a main credo of the company.
in "Mobil-S" LLP which is located on the shore of the Caspian Sea, in
the city of Aktau,
works a qualified team, tested by time and experience, and has a powerful
material and technical basis for the further conduct of success activities.
The company has:
Manufacturing capabilities and extensive service may be presented in large projects of such companies as "Mangystaumunaigas", "Karazhanbasmunai", "Tasbulat Oil Corporation", "Com-Munai", "CMOC", "Kazakhstan Caspian Offshore Industries" and many others. The company has experience in such oilfields as Tasbulat, Komsomolsk, Dunga, Buzachi, Zhetibai, Kalamkas, Karazhanbas, Emir, Aktas, Turkmenoi, Kurganoi, Konyr, Karakuduk and number of other oil and gas fields.
Further development prospects of the company are to strengthen the company's image as a perspective partner and reliable supplier of oil and gas services, which will meet the requirements and expectations of customers. Also the company’s goal is to maintain and improve the integrated management system of the company, which it was successfully certified in 2010.
company is also engaged in charity work in Tupkaragan region Munaily region and
in many other regions providing assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic
War, Soldiers-internationalists, sportsmen, etc.
ISO 9001:2008 «Quality Management System. Requirements»
ISO 14001:2009 «Environmental management system. Requirements with guidance for use»
OHSAS 18001:2007 «Safety management systems and health. Requirements»
GPS Monitoring
All of the company's vehicles are equipped with satellite tracking devices system GPS - Navigation. Monitoring tracking includes the following features...More details